Lucy Lareau
We got the idea to do these books when my own school needed a new playground so had a fun run to raise money! All the books are about girls solving problems that matter to us. When you read them, I hope you know that you have power inside you to make stuff happen. When Girls Stick Together We Can Do Anything!!!
Catch up with the GF5 and me or say hi on Facebook or Instagram!

Liz Lareau
Lucy is my youngest daughter. Marina is her oldest sister and Lucy has two brothers she loves, even though they drive her crazy! She is always trying to save things like the white rhinos, the Monarch butterflies, or stray animals, just like the Lucy in the books.
We wrote the GF5 because we believe every girl should have the courage to chase her dreams and know other girls and moms have her back. It’s true that when girls stick together, great things happen!!
Always know you are amazing and beautiful inside and out! You are welcome to write us or reach out on Facebook and tell Lucy and me more about yourself and what cool things you like to do!
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